Thinking correlation diagram of The Ant and the Grasshopper

Please see below for details.


Ants is shown in this figure, among the single frame, it represents that try to solve the problem.
Grasshopper is not caught in the thing called frame, represents that you are trying to solve the problem.

Thinking of the case of Ali, in order to consider the problem to be in front of the eyes, I try Michibikidaso clearly black or white answer. If you think in the specific field of view, it means of, part of, true is embodied.
If you replace the IT term, and will result in a digitized thinking. This is because, variable numbers thing that digital has been decided. If the analogy clearly, it is because can not be changed variable numbers of 1 + 1 = 2.

Meanwhile, thinking grasshopper, rather than considering the problem against the front of the eye, to consider in connection to the future in front of the problem is not white or black answers itself does not exist. You try to solve the problem by circumstances at that time. If you think in a concrete field of view, the purpose of the overall reduction, abstraction applies. If you replace the IT term, it will analog thinking. This is because, it does not have fixed variable numbers thing called analog. It is variable in normal numbers, the place is a 1 + 1 = 2, because can cause also changed to -1 to 4 to 3.

So, let’s consider also the dimension.

What is the dimension in the first place? I explained in easy because I think there is also Those who have questioned me. There is also a physical professional implications, but dimension to say here is, represents the views and ideas of things.
In the case of Ali tries to Michibikidaso the answer in white or black is a (digital brain). In other words, if you that there is one of the frame, it becomes a two-dimensional because it tries to solve the problem in the frame. The reason is because there is only vertical and horizontal direction in a two-dimensional.
On the other hand, it is there is no black or white answer itself in the case of the grasshopper, and since it is free to change the answer in the context of that time (analog brain). In other words, even as there is one of the frame, it becomes a three-dimensional because it does not solve the problem in the frame. This is because, in the three-dimensional because there is vertical and horizontal direction and height, using its height, it is the idea to say that would jump over the frame itself.

Future public pension also, in aging progresses, the burden of the younger generation to support the elderly will increase. Children born from now already, pension system itself, has become a situation that should not be cry and Ika live in the framework of the system that has become the Ponzi scheme. The government is also in the last resort, but we put the focus on that to somehow survive the pension system, such as tenure elderly pension system, it is not a two-dimensional thinking to try to resolve the things in the frame as a result speaking and pension plans. Itself will become a thing funny that survive the two-dimensional income mercenary.
If it, we may have to pour their efforts in creating a revenue of three-dimensional jump over the framework of pension it is important.
Able to make such era, resulting in national burden be reduced, and I think one person people is not to be able to govern the world in a stable manner?
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It person is a complete digital brain.

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The entrance of the four-dimensional space!?

The 4K, Simply put, HD (high definition), full HD (full high definition) or more high resolution. The number of pixels of the current mainstream of full high definition, in the lateral (horizontal pixels) 1920 × vertical (vertical pixels) 1080, although 2.0736 million is the total vertical and horizontal, 4K, the total 8.2944 million in horizontal 3840 × vertical 2160. In other words, it is that is four times the number of pixels of full HD. Since the area of ​​the more per pixel become large screen becomes larger, there was a problem that roughness of the pixel is noticeable. However, in the 4K, it is possible to reproduce beautifully, such as scenes and black thing at night that could not draw in high-definition video. The video that has been seen casually until now also I think in can experience the new excitement.

In recent years, ① ※ It seems Pioneer has developed a technology for three-dimensional representation of this 4K video. If you accustomed to as 4K video can ② appeared in the air ※ augmented reality (AR), will we just made to be realized as a reality the SF had seen in a movie theater.

2016-01-12_020002① ※ Pioneer Corporation, headquartered in Kawasaki City, Kanagawa Prefecture, is a Japanese electronics manufacturer. TSE 6773 Headquarters: Kawasaki City, Kanagawa Prefecture founder: Matsumoto Nozomu Founded: 1938, Tokyo

② The ※ augmented reality (AR) Augmented Reality, and techniques a person extends the real environment to perceive computer, it is to add the information from the computer for the things in the real world. By adding a “something” in the real world, and a technique of presenting a real more information in front of those including environmental (extended) itself represented by that technique is AR.


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